
January 2019


It began with a moose mug. In fact, I like to think of it as my super power. That’s right…my super power. I might not be able to bend steel with my bare hands or climb buildings (namely because I’m weak and afraid of heights). And I will never look as good as Wonder Woman in her spandex costume (because that would mean consuming minimal calories and no wine). Nor can I swim like Aquaman. (Although I would like to keep the protagonist of the latest DC comics blockbuster around for eye candy.) I don’t possess telekinesis or invisibility or the ability to time travel. What I have instead is a magic cup. I purchased the Moose Mug off Amazon this December. In fact, I ordered a holiday boxed set of two for a total of $16.95 with free prime shipping. My plastic “safer than glass” mug is a replica…

Remember that scene in the movie “Pretty Woman” where the street vendor is calling out, “What’s your dream? Everybody’s got a dream.” OR perhaps you DON’T remember it because you were too focused on the scene where a bleach blonde Julia Roberts is unzipping her thigh-high pseudo-leather boots. If so, shame on you! At least have the decency to pretend your favorite scene was when Julia tried to eat the snail or when Richard presented her with the priceless diamond necklace. I admit…Pretty Woman is every girl’s fantasy (minus the fact that you have to be a prostitute first). But what female doesn’t want some rich guy to sweep them off their feet… and foot the bill of their personal Rodeo Drive shopping spree? My only complaint with this movie is the scene where Julia and Richard are sitting on a blanket in the park reading poetry. Supposedly this is…

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