Hallmark is missing out.Last week (July 7) was National Dive Bar Day. Sadly I could not find a single card to commemorate this momentous occasion. In all fairness,…

Hallmark is missing out.Last week (July 7) was National Dive Bar Day. Sadly I could not find a single card to commemorate this momentous occasion. In all fairness,…
I recently took a trip to Nashville.While there, I unfortunately did not see any big country music stars. Nor did I drink out of a boot.However I DID…
Beer should not be a political statement. In fact, beer should be the antidote to politics. Unfortunately, Anheuser-Busch recently waded into the dark depths of social activism by…
I recently had my wisdom teeth out.Most people have them removed when they are young. I am 51.I would be lying if I said I had not been…
I enjoy a good gin and tonic. My husband disagrees. He equates my cocktail of choice to eating a pinecone. I equate his Coors Light to urine. Before…
They say that dogs are a man’s best friend. If that’s true, then losing one is the equivalent to losing one’s soulmate. It was twelve years ago tomorrow…
I work at Walmart.I am the “People Lead” there. Admittedly “people lead” is the weirdest title ever created. By any company. Ever.As a “people lead,” I always feel…
Remember card clubs? And family reunions? How about a time when people actually talked rather than texting their friends sitting next to them? The Dark Ages. I know.…