I miss the “good ol’ days.” You know…like three months ago. Three months ago, the only people wearing masks were either comic book characters, the Lone Ranger, or…

I miss the “good ol’ days.” You know…like three months ago. Three months ago, the only people wearing masks were either comic book characters, the Lone Ranger, or…
I double dog dare you. That was the challenge issued by the Iowa Roadie’s husband when I told him I was not only going to write a new…
Forget water. I recently stocked up on alcohol. I figure if I get quarantined with my family, I need more than water to help me survive. I recently…
It started with a guy named Flint. And a shot. In a bar basement. That trilogy either screams disaster…or an Iowa Roadie adventure as crazy as any we’ve…
I used to fantasize about being a rock star. Heck…I STILL think about it. Me… in tight leather pants, my name emblazoned on a giant tour bus, and…
Check yes or no. This year’s Christmas shopping involved alcohol. If you answered no, you are either a direct descendant of Buddy the Elf and have eggnog running…
Sometimes the best things in life are right under our noses. Such is the case with the latest Iowa Roadie adventure that takes us only a few miles…
I am a sucker for a good gimmick. Seriously. I am the reason those “As Seen On TV” products exist. My husband and I recently attended the Iowa…